A project to demonstrate the qualities of an advanced panelised building system manufactured and supplied by a Corby-based company is into its second phase.

Green Life Buildings (GLB) exported its GLB M2 panels to Brandemaat for a project being undertaken by client Olde Hanter Bouwconstructies BV.

The Olde Hanter team is using the system to promote low energy homes and is building a home to demonstrate affordable PassivHaus to the government in the Netherlands, with the ground floor assembly now completed.


The structurally insulated panels (SIP) are made by enclosing insulation in thin (but high tensile strength) galvanised steel wire mesh with connectors which, once in position onsite, only require a thin layer of concrete applied to both faces to complete the strength and resilience, allowing more space available for insulation, and less of other materials need be used.

This system makes the panels, which weigh no more than 5kgs per square metre, the lightest to handle of any building system and provides unmatched properties for resilience, safety, comfort, speed of build and energy efficiency/low carbon. The panels can also form walls, floors, landings, roofs, stairs, and internal partitions.

GLB also supported the design of the project to ensure ease of construction on site and Chris Williams, GLB’s MD, said: “We are delighted to have exported panels for Project Brandemaat and to hear that progress is going well with ground floor assembly now complete.

“An increased element has been done offsite, including a numbered plan of where to install the panels and the cutting of panels at the manufacturing stage rather than onsite to speed up the install, reduce waste and improve tolerances.

“Each home built using the system can reduce energy expenditure and carbon emissions by at least 65% compared to traditional builds when built to PassivHaus U values so it’s perfect to showcase what can be done for the Netherlands government and housing.”

It’s not the first time Olde Hanter’s engineers and contractors have used M2 panels, having previously worked on a project in Amsterdam, and Chris added: “Olde Hanter are familiar with what the GLB M2 system can do and how easy it is to build with, and we hope this is the start of a good supply chain as they have more homes to build and are looking to scale up.”

For more information on how the GLB building system could transform your project, visit www.greenlife-manufacturing.co.uk.


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